ID | Technique | Tactic |
T1110 | Brute Force | Credential Access |
Detection: O365 Multiple OS Vendors Authenticating From User
The following analytic identifies when multiple operating systems are used to authenticate to Azure/EntraID/Office 365 by the same user account over a short period of time. This activity could be indicative of attackers enumerating various logon capabilities of Azure/EntraID/Office 365 and attempting to discover weaknesses in the organizational MFA or conditional access configurations. Usage of the tools like "MFASweep" will trigger this detection.
1`o365_management_activity` Operation IN (UserLoginFailed,UserLoggedIn)
3| eval -time = _time
5| bin _time span=15m
7| stats values(Operation) as signature, values(ErrorNumber) as signature_id, values(OS) as os_name, dc(OS) as os_count, count, min(-time) as firstTime, max(-time) as lastTime by ClientIP, UserId, _time
9| where os_count >= 4
11| eval src = ClientIP, user = UserId
13| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)`
15| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)`
17| `o365_multiple_os_vendors_authenticating_from_user_filter`
Data Source
No data sources specified for this detection.
Macros Used
Name | Value |
o365_management_activity | sourcetype=o365:management:activity |
o365_multiple_os_vendors_authenticating_from_user_filter | search * |
is an empty macro by default. It allows the user to filter out any results (false positives) without editing the SPL.
Default Configuration
This detection is configured by default in Splunk Enterprise Security to run with the following settings:
Setting | Value |
Disabled | true |
Cron Schedule | 0 * * * * |
Earliest Time | -70m@m |
Latest Time | -10m@m |
Schedule Window | auto |
Creates Notable | Yes |
Rule Title | %name% |
Rule Description | %description% |
Notable Event Fields | user, dest |
Creates Risk Event | True |
You must install the Splunk Microsoft Office 365 Add-on and ingest Office 365 management activity events. The thresholds set within the analytic (such as unique OS) are initial guidelines and should be customized based on the organization's user behavior and risk profile. Security teams are encouraged to adjust these thresholds to optimize the balance between detecting genuine threats and minimizing false positives, ensuring the detection is tailored to their specific environment.
Known False Positives
IP or users where the usage of multiple Operating systems is expected, filter accordingly.
Associated Analytic Story
Risk Based Analytics (RBA)
Risk Message:
The user account $user$ authenticated with $os_count$ unique operating system types over a short period from $src$.
Risk Object | Risk Object Type | Risk Score | Threat Objects |
user | user | 60 | src |
Detection Testing
Test Type | Status | Dataset | Source | Sourcetype |
Validation | ✅ Passing | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Unit | ✅ Passing | Dataset | o365 |
o365:management:activity |
Integration | ✅ Passing | Dataset | o365 |
o365:management:activity |
Replay any dataset to Splunk Enterprise by using our
tool or the UI.
Alternatively you can replay a dataset into a Splunk Attack Range
Source: GitHub | Version: 1