Detection: Detect AWS Console Login by User from New City


The following analytic identifies AWS console login events by users from a new city within the last hour. It leverages AWS CloudTrail events and compares them against a lookup file of previously seen user locations. This activity is significant for a SOC as it may indicate unauthorized access or credential compromise, especially if the login originates from an unusual location. If confirmed malicious, this could lead to unauthorized access to AWS resources, data exfiltration, or further exploitation within the cloud environment.

 2| tstats earliest(_time) as firstTime latest(_time) as lastTime from datamodel=Authentication where Authentication.signature=ConsoleLogin by Authentication.user Authentication.src 
 3| iplocation Authentication.src 
 4| `drop_dm_object_name(Authentication)` 
 5| rename City as justSeenCity 
 6| table firstTime lastTime user justSeenCity 
 7| join user type=outer [
 8| inputlookup previously_seen_users_console_logins 
 9| rename City as previouslySeenCity 
10| stats min(firstTime) AS earliestseen by user previouslySeenCity 
11| fields earliestseen user previouslySeenCity] 
12| eval userCity=if(firstTime >= relative_time(now(), "-24h@h"), "New City","Previously Seen City") 
13| where userCity = "New City" 
14| `security_content_ctime(firstTime)` 
15| `security_content_ctime(lastTime)` 
16| table firstTime lastTime user previouslySeenCity justSeenCity userCity 
17| `detect_aws_console_login_by_user_from_new_city_filter`

Data Source

Name Platform Sourcetype Source
AWS CloudTrail AWS icon AWS 'aws:cloudtrail' 'aws_cloudtrail'

Macros Used

Name Value
security_content_ctime convert timeformat="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" ctime($field$)
detect_aws_console_login_by_user_from_new_city_filter search *
detect_aws_console_login_by_user_from_new_city_filter is an empty macro by default. It allows the user to filter out any results (false positives) without editing the SPL.


+ Kill Chain Phases
- Threat Actors
ID Technique Tactic
T1586 Compromise Accounts Resource Development
T1586.003 Cloud Accounts Resource Development
T1535 Unused/Unsupported Cloud Regions Defense Evasion

Default Configuration

This detection is configured by default in Splunk Enterprise Security to run with the following settings:

Setting Value
Disabled true
Cron Schedule 0 * * * *
Earliest Time -70m@m
Latest Time -10m@m
Schedule Window auto
Creates Risk Event False
This configuration file applies to all detections of type hunting.


You must install and configure the Splunk Add-on for AWS (version 5.1.0 or later) and Enterprise Security 6.2, which contains the required updates to the Authentication data model for cloud use cases. Run the Previously Seen Users in AWS CloudTrail - Initial support search only once to create a baseline of previously seen IAM users within the last 30 days. Run Previously Seen Users in AWS CloudTrail - Update hourly (or more frequently depending on how often you run the detection searches) to refresh the baselines. You can also provide additional filtering for this search by customizing the detect_aws_console_login_by_user_from_new_city_filter macro.

Known False Positives

When a legitimate new user logins for the first time, this activity will be detected. Check how old the account is and verify that the user activity is legitimate.

Associated Analytic Story

Risk Based Analytics (RBA)

Risk Message Risk Score Impact Confidence
User $user$ is logging into the AWS console from City $City$ for the first time 18 30 60
The Risk Score is calculated by the following formula: Risk Score = (Impact * Confidence/100). Initial Confidence and Impact is set by the analytic author.

Detection Testing

Test Type Status Dataset Source Sourcetype
Validation Passing N/A N/A N/A
Unit Passing Dataset aws_cloudtrail aws:cloudtrail
Integration ✅ Passing Dataset aws_cloudtrail aws:cloudtrail

Replay any dataset to Splunk Enterprise by using our tool or the UI. Alternatively you can replay a dataset into a Splunk Attack Range

Source: GitHub | Version: 4