Analytics Story: NOBELIUM Group


NOBELIUM, also known as APT29, The Dukes, Cozy Bear, CozyDuke, Blue Kitsune, and Midnight Blizzard, is a sophisticated nation-state threat actor, reportedly associated with Russian intelligence. Active since at least 2008, this group primarily targets government networks in Europe and NATO member countries, along with research institutes and think tanks. Their operations typically involve advanced persistent threats (APT), leveraging techniques like spear-phishing, malware deployment, and long-term network compromise to achieve information theft and espionage. Notably, APT29 has been implicated in significant cyber espionage incidents, including the 2015 breach of the Pentagon's Joint Staff email system and attacks on the Democratic National Committee in 2016. Their advanced tactics and persistent approach underscore the serious nature of threats posed by this group to global cybersecurity.

Why it matters

This Analytic Story groups detections designed to trigger on a comprehensive range of Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) leveraged by the NOBELIUM Group, with a focus on their methods as observed in well-known public breaches.


Name ▲▼ Technique ▲▼ Type ▲▼
Azure AD Admin Consent Bypassed by Service Principal Additional Cloud Roles TTP
Azure AD FullAccessAsApp Permission Assigned Additional Email Delegate Permissions, Additional Cloud Roles TTP
Azure AD High Number Of Failed Authentications From Ip Password Guessing, Password Spraying TTP
Azure AD Multi-Source Failed Authentications Spike Password Spraying, Credential Stuffing, Cloud Accounts Hunting
Azure AD Multiple Service Principals Created by SP Cloud Account Anomaly
Azure AD Multiple Service Principals Created by User Cloud Account Anomaly
Azure AD Privileged Graph API Permission Assigned Security Account Manager TTP
Azure AD Privileged Role Assigned Additional Cloud Roles TTP
Azure AD Privileged Role Assigned to Service Principal Additional Cloud Roles TTP
Azure AD Service Principal Authentication Cloud Accounts TTP
Azure AD Service Principal Created Cloud Account TTP
Azure AD Service Principal New Client Credentials Additional Cloud Credentials TTP
Azure AD Service Principal Owner Added Account Manipulation TTP
Azure AD Tenant Wide Admin Consent Granted Additional Cloud Roles TTP
O365 Added Service Principal Cloud Account TTP
O365 Application Registration Owner Added Account Manipulation TTP
O365 ApplicationImpersonation Role Assigned Additional Email Delegate Permissions TTP
O365 FullAccessAsApp Permission Assigned Additional Email Delegate Permissions, Additional Cloud Roles TTP
O365 Multi-Source Failed Authentications Spike Password Spraying, Credential Stuffing, Cloud Accounts Hunting
O365 Multiple Mailboxes Accessed via API Remote Email Collection TTP
O365 Multiple Service Principals Created by SP Cloud Account Anomaly
O365 Multiple Service Principals Created by User Cloud Account Anomaly
O365 Multiple Users Failing To Authenticate From Ip Password Spraying, Credential Stuffing, Cloud Accounts TTP
O365 OAuth App Mailbox Access via EWS Remote Email Collection TTP
O365 OAuth App Mailbox Access via Graph API Remote Email Collection TTP
O365 Privileged Graph API Permission Assigned Security Account Manager TTP
O365 Service Principal New Client Credentials Additional Cloud Credentials TTP
O365 Tenant Wide Admin Consent Granted Additional Cloud Roles TTP
Anomalous usage of 7zip Archive via Utility Anomaly
Detect Prohibited Applications Spawning cmd exe Windows Command Shell Hunting
Detect Rundll32 Inline HTA Execution Mshta TTP
First Time Seen Running Windows Service Service Execution Anomaly
Malicious PowerShell Process - Encoded Command Obfuscated Files or Information Hunting
Sc exe Manipulating Windows Services Windows Service TTP
Scheduled Task Deleted Or Created via CMD Scheduled Task TTP
Schtasks scheduling job on remote system Scheduled Task TTP
Sunburst Correlation DLL and Network Event Exploitation for Client Execution TTP
Windows AdFind Exe Remote System Discovery TTP
Detect Outbound SMB Traffic File Transfer Protocols TTP
TOR Traffic Multi-hop Proxy TTP
Supernova Webshell Web Shell, External Remote Services TTP

Data Sources

Name ▲▼ Platform ▲▼ Sourcetype ▲▼ Source ▲▼
Azure Active Directory Azure icon Azure azure:monitor:aad Azure AD
Azure Active Directory Add app role assignment to service principal Azure icon Azure azure:monitor:aad Azure AD
Azure Active Directory Add member to role Azure icon Azure azure:monitor:aad Azure AD
Azure Active Directory Add owner to application Azure icon Azure azure:monitor:aad Azure AD
Azure Active Directory Add service principal Azure icon Azure azure:monitor:aad Azure AD
Azure Active Directory Consent to application Azure icon Azure azure:monitor:aad Azure AD
Azure Active Directory Sign-in activity Azure icon Azure azure:monitor:aad Azure AD
Azure Active Directory Update application Azure icon Azure azure:monitor:aad Azure AD
CrowdStrike ProcessRollup2 N/A crowdstrike:events:sensor crowdstrike
O365 N/A o365:management:activity o365
O365 Add owner to application. N/A o365:management:activity o365
O365 Add service principal. N/A o365:management:activity o365
O365 Consent to application. N/A o365:management:activity o365
O365 MailItemsAccessed N/A o365:management:activity o365
O365 Update application. N/A o365:management:activity o365
O365 UserLoginFailed N/A o365:management:activity o365
Palo Alto Network Traffic Network icon Network pan:traffic screenconnect_palo_traffic
Sysmon EventID 1 Windows icon Windows xmlwineventlog XmlWinEventLog:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational
Sysmon EventID 22 Windows icon Windows xmlwineventlog XmlWinEventLog:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational
Sysmon EventID 7 Windows icon Windows xmlwineventlog XmlWinEventLog:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational
Windows Event Log Security 4688 Windows icon Windows xmlwineventlog XmlWinEventLog:Security
Windows Event Log System 7036 Windows icon Windows xmlwineventlog XmlWinEventLog:System


Source: GitHub | Version: 3