Analytics Story: GCP Account Takeover


Monitor for activities and techniques associated with Account Takeover attacks against Google Cloud Platform tenants.

Why it matters

Account Takeover (ATO) is an attack whereby cybercriminals gain unauthorized access to online accounts by using different techniques like brute force, social engineering, phishing & spear phishing, credential stuffing, etc. By posing as the real user, cyber-criminals can change account details, send out phishing emails, steal financial information or sensitive data, or use any stolen information to access further accounts within the organization. This analytic story groups detections that can help security operations teams identify the potential compromise of Google cloud accounts.


Name ▲▼ Technique ▲▼ Type ▲▼
GCP Authentication Failed During MFA Challenge Cloud Accounts, Cloud Accounts, Multi-Factor Authentication Request Generation TTP
GCP Multi-Factor Authentication Disabled Multi-Factor Authentication, Cloud Accounts TTP
GCP Multiple Failed MFA Requests For User Cloud Accounts, Cloud Accounts, Multi-Factor Authentication Request Generation TTP
GCP Multiple Users Failing To Authenticate From Ip Password Spraying, Credential Stuffing, Cloud Accounts Anomaly
GCP Successful Single-Factor Authentication Cloud Accounts, Cloud Accounts TTP
GCP Unusual Number of Failed Authentications From Ip Password Spraying, Credential Stuffing, Cloud Accounts Anomaly

Data Sources

Name ▲▼ Platform ▲▼ Sourcetype ▲▼ Source ▲▼
Google Workspace login_failure N/A gws:reports:admin gws:reports:admin
Google Workspace login_success N/A gws:reports:admin gws:reports:admin


Source: GitHub | Version: 1